Enjoy the Journey

Reproduce After Christ's Kind

Unbridled Desires – Ephesians 4:17-32

Oh what change takes place when Jesus has our full attention! In this text, Paul reveals how we can look back, look inwardly and look around us to reflect the power of grace at work in our hearts. Blessed reading as you discover what it means to “put off the old man and put on…

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Gifts & Fruits of the Holy Spirit

The Greek word used throughout the New Testament to describe spiritual gifts is CHARISMA. The basic idea regarding the work charisma is that of a free gift (something unearned, undeserved or unmerited). The Holy Spirit gives or distributes His giftings to members of Christ’s body to minister His grace to people. The primary purposes of…

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Encouraging Words

“Encouraging Words” For The Heart The Day That Worry Died – Mark 16:1-7 What the stone rolled away teaches us all An Offended Free Heart – Hebrews 12:15 How Satan tempted Judas and won What Really Matters – Matthew 5:17-20 Righteousness from the inside out A Higher Level Of Living – Psalm 84:1-12 Surviving the…

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Do The Wicked Prosper? – Psalm 73

Ever feel like Asaph, that life is a little unfair? Ever feel cheated or a little envious at the prosperity of the wicked? Ever wonder if life will “even out” in the end? Blessed reading as you discover that the prosperity of the wicked is not really prosperity from God’s point of view. Download Sermon…

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Living Worry Free – Matthew 6:25-34

How is it possible to enjoy the journey and not be anxious in your heart and mind? Jesus gives the answer in Matthew 6. What does Jesus say that changes our perspective? He tells us to look at the birds, look at yourself, look at the lilies and look at the heathen. Blessed reading as…

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Toiling In Rowing – Mark 6:45-52

There is not one among us who hasn’t found themselves at some time “toiling in rowing”. The Greek word for “toiling” means “baffled”. It means the disciples used up all their natural skills as seamen! Blessed reading as you discover “rowing secrets” that build the soul. Download Sermon #82. Toiling In Rowing – Mark 6:45-52 from 1-150…

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What’s Right With The Church – Colossians 1:1-27

People everywhere will offer opinions and tell us what’s wrong with the church. I believe a healthy person focuses on what’s right with the church. In Colossians 1, Paul tells us seven things that are right with the church – that brings great joy! Download Sermon #81. What’s Right With The Church – Colossians 1:1-27 from…

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After Class Decisions – Mark 4:35-5-1

I love hanging around young people; I love seeing them going after God! To see them pursue the will of God for their lives is a joy beyond measure. This message is about Jesus moving all of us “forward”. It’s a call to obedience, humility and faith. Blessed reading; a message from Chapel at the…

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The Vineyard of the Soul – Song of Solomon 1:1-16

I love how Solomon writes about the “beloved”. I love the fact that Jesus wants to spend time with us in prayer. And yet, we must be ever on guard to protect the vineyard of our heart. Why? Because “thorns”, “nettles” and the “broken wall” reminds us of spiritual neglect. Yes, it’s possible to neglect…

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Prayer That Works – I Kings 18:41-46

I love the fact that Elijah (in prayer) made “something out of nothing”. I love how Elijah separated himself, humbled himself, persevered and expected God to answer. Journey with a praying man and see how God is a specialist at making something out of nothing! Download Sermon #79. Prayer That Works – I Kings 18:41-46 from…

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Victory Secured – Exodus 17:8-16

No one has all the answers about how prayer works. No one can explain all the “ins” and “outs” about how Moses’ hands (raised in intercession) brought about divine intervention. But this we do know; prayer is alignment with God and positions us to receive from Him. Discover how the Israelites, after murmuring and tempting the…

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Sacred Fire – Leviticus 6:8-13

Leviticus teaches us incredible truth about worship; how God supernaturally started the fire at the altar before the tabernacle and how the priests must tend to the fire (so it will never go out). Notice God’s great instruction surrounding the ashes, garments and the wood. Remember God’s word to our hearts; “The fire shall ever…

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Condemnation Gone For Good – Romans 5:12-21

Does the mercy of the gospel really triumph over every sin? Is it really foolish to entertain unworthy feelings? Is the past really past in the sight of God? Has Christ really removed our transgression as far as the east is from the west? Enjoy what it means – to be cleansed from all unrighteousness!…

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He Knows Your Story – John 4:1-30

Ever wonder if God knows all that’s going on in your life? Ever wonder if your sin surprises Him? Ever wonder why He loves you so? Ever come to grips with the truth – that He loves you on your best days the same as on your worst days? Blessed reading as Jesus meets the…

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The East Wind – Isaiah 27:1-10

I love the language of Isaiah in Chapter 27. I love how God preserves us in the storm and provides peace in every season. I love how God promises to pour water on the thirsty and keep “His Vineyard” regardless of the east winds that blow. Enjoy as God pours fourth in your heart through…

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The Cave of Adullam – Psalm 142:1-7

I love David’s declaration while hiding from Saul in a cave; “Lord, you know my path.” I love how David poured out his complaint to God. I love how God healed David’s anxious uncertainty – for his pressing agitation. I love the fact that God records how we can pray and transfer our burdens to…

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1-150 Messages

Below are 150 messages on a variety of topics. Why make them available? Because Jesus said it is truth that frees us from ourselves so that we can reach our fullest potential. Click on titles of sermons to download .pdf files When Chains Fall Off  Acts 12:1-7 The Day That Worry Died  Mark 16:1-7 The Double Portion  II…

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