Enjoy the Journey

Reproduce After Christ's Kind

Without Me

A Series on Prayer “The Lord is close to all who call upon Him, to all who call on Him sincerely.” (Psalm 145:18) I remember well how my grandmother prayed! How she laid her hands on me when I was in the hospital with Rheumatic Fever. How she prevailed day in and day out while…

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Victory Secured – Exodus 17:8-16

No one has all the answers about how prayer works. No one can explain all the “ins” and “outs” about how Moses’ hands (raised in intercession) brought about divine intervention. But this we do know; prayer is alignment with God and positions us to receive from Him. Discover how the Israelites, after murmuring and tempting the…

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1-150 Messages

Below are 150 messages on a variety of topics. Why make them available? Because Jesus said it is truth that frees us from ourselves so that we can reach our fullest potential. Click on titles of sermons to download .pdf files When Chains Fall Off  Acts 12:1-7 The Day That Worry Died  Mark 16:1-7 The Double Portion  II…

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The Place Is Here and The Time Is Now – Exodus 17:1-7

What happens when Moses gets alone with God in prayer? #1. God tells Moses what to do! #2. God tells Moses what God will do! Discover with Moses – God’s plan and provision in daily life. Download Sermon #68. The Place Is Here and The Time Is Now – Exodus 17:1-7 from 1-150 Messages

Intimacy Restored With God – Exodus 33:1-18

Is it really possible to grieve the Holy Spirit? Do we really lose something when we backslide?

The Spiritual Leader’s Series

The Spiritual Leader Series is a list of 25 messages for leaders on the front lines of battle. We share several of these in leader’s retreats to encourage your heart and equip your hands. Click on titles of sermons to download .pdf files The Leader’s Encouragement – Luke 13 The Leader’s Seasons – Psalm 105 The…

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The Anointing Oil – Exodus 30:22, 23

Ever wonder what the “anointing of the Spirit” is? Ever wonder how this anointing grows and increases? Ever wonder why God wants to anoint us all? Discover why…

The Long Way Around – Exodus 14:14

Wouldn’t it be great if God always took us the easy way in the journey? Wouldn’t it be nice if we were always comfortable? Wouldn’t it be more enjoyable if we never needed patience in the journey of life? See the power of God’s word to Israel: “Fear not, stand still and see the salvation…

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