Enjoy the Journey

Reproduce After Christ's Kind

Praying In The Spirit – I Corinthians 14:1-33

I love praying in the Spirit! Why? Because praying in the Spirit (in other tongues) edifies, builds up and strengthens our inner man.

Sufficient Grace – II Corinthians 12:1-10

I love this text because God gives us answers to the following four questions: What does Jesus mean when He says “My grace is sufficient for you”? What does Jesus mean when He says “My strength is made perfect in weakness”? What does it mean to “Glory in my infirmities”? What does it mean “That…

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Why I Know You’re Going To Make It – Ephesians 3:14-21

I love Paul’s prayer for the believers in Ephesus. I love the fact that what God did for the Ephesian Christians, He does for you today! The following message is about you “being strengthened in your inner man.” It’s about you being strong and unshakable when you go through the desert, fire, storms and valleys…

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The Day That Worry Died Mark 16:1-8

Worry is a thief and a robber. Worry is distracting. Worry can consume your waking hours. Worry is accepting responsibility that God never intended for you to carry. In Mark 16:1-8, we see how four women worried about something that God had already taken care of. It’s a picture of us at certain times in…

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