Enjoy the Journey

Reproduce After Christ's Kind

The Vineyard of the Soul – Song of Solomon 1:1-16

I love how Solomon writes about the “beloved”. I love the fact that Jesus wants to spend time with us in prayer. And yet, we must be ever on guard to protect the vineyard of our heart. Why? Because “thorns”, “nettles” and the “broken wall” reminds us of spiritual neglect. Yes, it’s possible to neglect…

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Prayer That Works – I Kings 18:41-46

I love the fact that Elijah (in prayer) made “something out of nothing”. I love how Elijah separated himself, humbled himself, persevered and expected God to answer. Journey with a praying man and see how God is a specialist at making something out of nothing! Download Sermon #79. Prayer That Works – I Kings 18:41-46 from…

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Victory Secured – Exodus 17:8-16

No one has all the answers about how prayer works. No one can explain all the “ins” and “outs” about how Moses’ hands (raised in intercession) brought about divine intervention. But this we do know; prayer is alignment with God and positions us to receive from Him. Discover how the Israelites, after murmuring and tempting the…

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Sacred Fire – Leviticus 6:8-13

Leviticus teaches us incredible truth about worship; how God supernaturally started the fire at the altar before the tabernacle and how the priests must tend to the fire (so it will never go out). Notice God’s great instruction surrounding the ashes, garments and the wood. Remember God’s word to our hearts; “The fire shall ever…

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Condemnation Gone For Good – Romans 5:12-21

Does the mercy of the gospel really triumph over every sin? Is it really foolish to entertain unworthy feelings? Is the past really past in the sight of God? Has Christ really removed our transgression as far as the east is from the west? Enjoy what it means – to be cleansed from all unrighteousness!…

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