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Seasonal Messages

Discover messages for special holidays including Christmas, Easter and Pentecost.

Books of the Bible Message Series

Take your congregation through in depth studies on specific books of the Bible.      

The Armor of God – Ephesians

It’s no secret to anyone that your life will always go in the direction of your most dominant thoughts. In other words, we feel what we feel and we do what we do because we think what we think. In our day of pollution and distraction, guarding your heart and mind is imperative. In Ephesians…

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Sermon On The Mount Series – Matthew 5

I love the principles taught in the Sermon on The Mount. Why? Because it’s Jesus addressing the matters of the heart; it’s Jesus getting under our skin; it’s Jesus showing us how to be whole, content, hungry and satisfied. It’s Jesus revealing to us that the greatest joy in life is having nothing to prove…

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Lifting Psalms – Psalms

Over one half of the Psalms are laments about real-life issues. Why? To teach us how to process life, trust in God and be healthy in the process. From confession to joy, from despair to hope, from weakness to strength, from darkness to light – it’s the Word that builds the soul. Blessed reading as…

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Jesus In The Church – Revelation 1

“Write down what you see John and send it to the churches.” (Revelation 1:11) And, oh, what John saw! And what John saw and recorded ministers to us all today – right now! Discover Jesus and His ministry to you as you see what John saw. Let Jesus be Jesus as He stands in the…

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Diamonds From Ephesus – Ephesians

Is there any richer prison epistle than the book of Ephesians? Is there any better revelation of our “Inheritance in Christ”? Is there any better description of “Christian armor”? Is there any stronger motivation to love than what Paul records, “As Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it”? “Diamonds From Ephesus” is a…

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Comfort From Isaiah Series – Isaiah

Are there any more comforting words than these from God through Isaiah? “Rough places will be made plain” “Fear not for I am with you” “A bruised reed He will not break” “When you walk through the fire, you’ll not be burned” “You are my servant and will not be forgotten by Me” “I will…

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An Excellent Spirit – Daniel 1-6

I love these words from Daniel 5:12 and 6:3; “An excellent spirit was found in Daniel.” What is an excellent spirit? How did Daniel obtain and exercise one? And, what’s the message to us where we live and serve today? Discover with me how God gave Daniel wisdom to know what to do and courage…

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Living Without Compromise – Daniel 3:1-18

What enabled Daniel not to bow down to peer pressure? How is it possible to be spiritually strong in a very sick world?

Renewed In Affliction – II Corinthians 4:8-18

How does God encourage us in affliction? How does affliction led us to a long term perspective?

Prepared by the Spirit – II Chronicles 20:1-11

Ever feel the need for spiritual renewal? Ever feel desperate? Ever sense that God is calling you to more – deeper union and intimacy?

The Seven Churches Revelations 1-5

The following are ten messages from Revelation 1-5. Why? To see what Jesus commends (and corrects) in His church. From what makes the Lord glad, to what makes the Lord sad, may “His Word” be your source of strength. Travel with Jesus as the Holy Spirit speaks to churches in seven cities and to your…

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The Curse is Broken – Judges 11:1-11

How can God use Jephthah, the son of a harlot? How does God use people without natural birth advantages?